Fistfuls of Dollars: Fact and Fantasy About Corporate Charitable Giving, written by Linda Zukowski, President of EarthWrites Consulting, is a practical guide for non-profit organizations seeking corporate funding. Based on interviews with executives from over 35 companies including Apple Computer Inc., AT&T, Bank of America, Chevron, Mervyn's, Nike Inc., Silicon Graphics, Sony Pictures Entertainment and Wells Fargo, the book provides a behind-the-scenes tour of corporate giving programs. Information is provided in graphic as well as narrative format and offers tips for improving funding requests such as:
The biggest mistakes made by non-profits seeking corporate funding and how to avoid them.
Fifteen ways to improve the layout and format of your proposal.
What corporate funders look for in a program budget.
The role of personal connections and how to establish a connection with a corporate funder.
Actual quotes from foundation staff are included, giving the reader insight into the thinking of those responsible for approving grants to non-profit agencies. Also included are more than ten pages of resources including periodicals, directories and Internet sites, to assist with identifying and researching corporate funders.
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Special Offer - Purchase of Fistfuls of Dollars entitles the buyer to a free proposal critique. Details are explained in the book's appendix.
Don't Forget the Pizza and Other Rules for Managing a Nonprofit, written by Linda Zukowski, President of EarthWrites Consulting, provides practical suggestions that encourage nonprofit staff and board members to look at their organizations with fresh eyes, assessing not only the services they provide, but also the way they function.
Written as a One Minute Manager for nonprofits, the author uses short chapters, highly readable text and real-life examples to introduce non-profit managers to ten business concepts that can improve the internal functioning of their organizations. A discussion guide following each chapter includes questions to facilitate workplace discussions of each concept, as well as a list of outcomes that can be used to evaluate application of the concepts. The stand-alone format of each chapter allows readers to choose the concept of most importance to their agency and apply it almost immediately in the workplace.
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Reviews from Readers
"Highly recommended for its practical approach. It's clear and easy to follow. An excellent resource for non-profits seeking corporate funding."
Elizabeth Crossman, Vice-President
Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation
"Ms. Zukowski really did her homework in coming up with what I believe is an accurate, realistic picture of corporate giving. The book is easy to read and offers lots of specific, useful details about how to make the most of your corporate fund raising."
Sue Diekman, Director
Air Touch Communications Foundation
"Excellent advice about the content of proposals. This book clearly explains how to define your program in terms that corporate funders understand."
Nancy Thomas, National Contributions Manager
Hewlett Packard Company
"Although based on the USA, much of the approach is applicable to an international audience."
Community Affairs Briefing London, England